See lives changed on an international trip...
Come, join us for a wonderful opportunity to experience the fire, passion and vibrancy of the Holy Spirit moving across the nations on an international trip.
We know International Ministry Trips like this can be life changing experiences. They are an opportunity to find kingdom family, to be activated and operate in the gifts God has given you and to take bold steps of faith to see miracles, healings and setting people free.
Trips usually consist of morning training sessions with an emphasis on the prophetic and healing, with revival services in the evenings. There will be opportunities to minister to church leaders and we plan in time together to build relationships as a team. Please contact us for details of our next trip.

Previous Trips
Vietnam 2012

Donna, myself and Naomi, our daughter and intern, were very excited to represent Randy Clark and Global Awakening for our first International Ministry Trip outside of Europe.
We had been invited by Nikki Nguyen to train, equip and impart to pastors, leaders and members of the “Underground Church” in Vietnam. Nikki and her team from Sacramento, USA sponsored the event raising funds to feed, accommodate and help the pastors travel to each event

Full Vietnam Trip Report
We delivered two, 3-day conferences. One in the South, in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) and the other in the North in Hai Phong – a few hours away from Hanoi. The events were attended in total by around 220 people, with approximately 60% being church leaders. We were hosted by Pastors Vinh & Sara from the Church of God network, (Vinh is the General Pastor.)
Through their network and connections they gathered people from across the nation to the two venues – some pastors travelling for up to 6 hours on a small motorbike to attend!
Donna & I taught at the two conferences, focusing on healing, prophecy, and the Father Heart of God. Pastor Billy Phong led one session during the second conference and the whole team did an excellent job ministering to the delegates at various times throughout both events. The sessions we covered were: Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Baptism of Fire, 5-step Prayer Model for Healing, Biblical Basis for Healing, Words of Knowledge and Activation, Hindrances to Healing, Basics of Deliverance. The Father Heart of God, Hearing Gods Voice. The Language of God, Prophetic Activation, Faith vs Unbelief and Impartation.
After the second conference Donna held a special service for the women. Her empowering message to encourage them to be used by God. Afterwards she Naomi gave a personal prophecy to each one. The women were deeply touched by the words and it was a real blessing to minister to them in this way.
The atmosphere of faith, hope and expectancy made all the ministry effortless and healings flowed easily. I had one session where during the ministry time everyone I laid hands on was healed in moments! We were delighted to see people impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit in a way many had never experienced before.
We taught and demonstrated healing and after the activation people were healed as they prayed for each other… One testimony was when Naomi called out a word of knowledge for pain in the right shoulder and two women responded. I demonstrated the 5-step prayer model for the first lady and she was instantly healed. Then I asked for a volunteer to pray for the other lady. I helped walk this volunteer, a man, through the 5-step prayer model and the lady was instantly healed as well – much to the cheers of the congregation and the sheer joy of the volunteer!
Donna demonstrated the power of a personal prophetic word before her session on Hearing Gods Voice. The man was visibly and emotionally impacted by the word. She also activated the people in hearing God for themselves and prophesying over each other.
Feedback we received was that the Vietnamese were very good at praying and talking to God but had not placed a high value on the importance of listening to Him, until now.
As they sat and waited on God and began to listen, it was wonderful seeing people weeping as God began to speak to them. Many testified to the powerful encounters they had.
During the impartation sessions in both conferences God moved powerfully in ways these people have never experienced before. Many were slain in the Spirit and in the second conference virtually the whole room went out under a touch from God, we ran out of floor space and filled the stage area!
Feedback we had after the Father Heart message was that culturally the men especially did not show great signs of emotion due to lack of physical affection from their fathers.
However as they encountered the Father many of the men and women broke down in tears. Some were even led into the joy of the Holy Spirit turning tears to laughing.
The spiritual hunger in the Christians in Vietnam is palpable, more came each day as word spread about what God was doing in these meetings. Each day of the conferences was marked by spiritual and emotional healings and some incredibly poignant moments as individuals connected with the loving heart of their heavenly Father, some for the very first time. We witnessed some beautiful moments as bodies were touched, and instantly healed, emotions and broken hearts bound up and the wonderful release of joy and laughter. The whole team were able to pray and minister for many leaders and encourage and strengthen them.
One highlight at the opening session in our second conference, was when I shared a testimony of a healing from the first conference. WhereAs I demonstrated the 5- step model my volunteer was healed of a longstanding back problem from an injury. I called out the same condition and the power of the testimony brought about multiple healings right at the beginning of the second conference!! God is so good. So healing broke out in the room before we had even introduced ourselves and begun any of the teaching!
The demonstration of God’s enabling power at work within us was a tremendous encouragement to our Vietnamese brothers and sisters and we believe increase will follow. They are certainly a passionate people, worshippers and prayer warriors and we were thrilled to be able to connect them into a deeper personal relationship with Father God and believe that we left them with many tools for effective ministry in the power of God.. Such a good deposit was sown into the rich soil there and we look forward to witnessing the bearing of much fruit that will surely come.
We also believe, through visions and pictures of intercessors praying for this trip that fires of revival were lit in the passionate hearts of those wonderful people. Invitations have been extended for a return visit and we remain in touch with the pastors there. The pastors said to us that many missionaries come to Vietnam and hold conferences but no-one had come with the power of God until now! They said that had they known it was going to be such a powerful time they would have invited more people! The also said that most conferences dwindle in numbers as the days progressed, but both our conferences increased in numbers daily as words spread. The pastors were so excited about what God had done that there is also potential for a crusade type mission in the next few years!